Android Beats Windows to Become World's Most Popular Operating System

The Hacker News

According to a new report from web traffic analytics firm StatCounter, Google's Android is the most popular operating system worldwide in terms of total internet usage across desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile combined.

Looking at overall internet usage, Android represented 37.93 percent of the global OS Internet usage market share in March, while Windows accounted for 37.91 percent.

"Windows won the desktop war, but the battlefield moved on," Cullen noted. "It will be difficult for Microsoft to make inroads in mobile, but the next paradigm shift might give it the opportunity to regain dominance. That could be in Augmented Reality, AI, Voice or Continuum."
Statcounter collects its data with the help of tracking codes installed on websites that record page views.

The latest Statcounter's findings are based on 2.5 million websites that the firm claims generate over 15 billion monthly page views. The chart also highlights the internet usage of Apple’s operating system as well.

During March 2017, the users of Apple's mobile operating system (iOS) were three times more active on the internet than users of Apple's desktop operating system (Mac OS X).  

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